Outside of Legion tales, Joshua Graham, the first Legate and confidant of Caesar, has no recollection of Lanius during his years in Caesar's service. Antony states that it took years to conquer Lanius' tribe, with the survivors being given the mercy of joining the Legion, rather than wiped out to sate Lanius' bloodlust.

Lucius states that the Legate was actually born into slavery, but his natural talents allowed him to reach the status of a full legionary at the low age of 12, just as he was entering puberty and has never lost a battle in his life. Other legionaries offer a differing account. Caesar permitted him to kill all the men, retaining the malleable boys for training and indoctrination. Lanius accepted the deal, on condition that he could slaughter all the surviving males of his tribe. When the warrior finally regained consciousness, Caesar offered him a helmet forged out of iron, a new face to replace the one he's lost, if he decided to fight for him. Caesar had him rescued and tended to, saving the maimed warlord with most of his face torn off.

The Lanius-to-be went insane with rage and attacked his own tribe in fury, finally subdued after killing fifteen of his own warriors.

When the Legion surrounded the Hidebarks' main camp, their chief decided to surrender, rather than be exterminated. Caesar presents him as the greatest warrior of the Hidebarks, a tribe of Arizona, whose terrifying battlefield prowess allowed him to wipe out Legion patrols single handed, while his leadership delayed the annexation of the Hidebarks by several months past schedule. Little is known of who Lanius was before his rise to the rank of Legate, and what is known is inconsistent and frequently contradictory.

” - Fallout: New Vegas loading screens Origins and myths He is legendary for his devotion to Caesar and for his ability to sense weakness in any army. “ Legate Lanius, the Monster of the East, is the military commander of all Caesar's forces in the field.